
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

April 11, 2018

The joke for the day

I'm trying to learn more things about blogging to make this more interesting.  I may try a few more things today in this post.  

Daniel had more visitors on Sunday, Tom and Bev, Owen's parents stopped by to visit.  We enjoyed looking at pictures Bev had taken of her recent trip to Guatemala with a group of rug makers.  They are so beautiful and Bev started a rug there too.  The women are so patient while they painstakingly pull each piece of wool or T-shirt material through the burlap.  The rugs look as though they have been embroidered.   Absolutely works of art.  

While they were visiting, Daniel's nurse let me know there was an infection around Daniel's PEG site (feeding tube).  It had red streaks running down his side 9 inches long.  We called the hospice nurse, he came over and examined the area, he put Daniel on some antibiotics.  They seemed to help within 24 hours but the PEG site itself was extremely tender.  

Daniel seemed so sleep a lot on Monday and Tuesday.  He didn't text me on Tuesday, he watched movies mostly and just rested.  I will go see him today for a better grasp of how he is doing today.  

Yesterday, Tuesday, I have the extreme pleasure (NOT) of taking his cat, Alexi, to the vet.  Alexi is true to Daniel.  He knows when Daniel is not feeling well and will not jump up on his bed, but when Daniel feels the slightest bit better, Alexi is up on the bed where he can snuggle with his dad and we put Daniel's hand on top of Alexi's head so they are both content.  Alexi has been vomiting everyday, it was time for some shots and a therapeutic groom.  That means the vet has to put that damn cat under sedation to even get near him.  He roars like he's a lion and no one can even touch him.  I bet they use a blow dart on Alexi as soon as I leave the room.  Alexi is a huge cat and acts like he is a lion when the vet opens his cage.  They took a blood sample and told me they needed to do that before he was sedated, I didn't see the vet when we picked Alexi up so I'm assuming the vet made it out alive but I can't bear/bare witness to that fact.

Alexi is shaved and happy to home again.  He has to take 2 pills a day. Ha!  Let's see if that happens even once.  Kevin bought him tuna to help with taking the medication.  Alexi looked at him like, " do you really think I'm that stupid?  I know you are trying to poison me  with that medication and there is no way that is getting into my perfectly fat body".  Humpf.  

So, we'll see.  Maybe Alexi is feeling sick because Daniel is sick, not sure but they are pretty connected.    

Now I'm going to try to enter a video on here.  Let's see if I can do that.  Maybe one of these days I'll take a video of Daniel and put on it here.  

Thank you for all of the positive feedback on this blog, including all of my misspellings and grammar errors.  I just type and post.  I do try to preview but some times tears get in the way.  

I love you all.   

I can't seem to get the video right here, still learning, it will be on next page.  

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